Recent News
- [May '24]: I will be joining ASU SEMTE as Assistant Professor in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, starting Spring 2025.
- [Mar '24]: Our survey paper titled "Learning Safe Control for Multi-Robot Systems: Methods, Verification, and Open Challenges" accepted in Annual Reviews in Control.
- [Mar '24]: Our tutorial paper titled "Advances in the Theory of Control Barrier Functions: Addressing Practical Challenges in Safe Control Synthesis for Autonomous and Robotic Systems" accepted in the Annual Reviews in Control.
- [Aug '23]: Our paper titled "Neural Graph Control Barrier Functions Guided Distributed Collision-avoidance Multi-agent Control" accepted at Conference of Robot Learning (CoRL) 2023.
- [Aug '23]: Our paper titled "Model-free Neural Fault Detection and Isolation for Safe Control", accepted in IEEE Control System Letters (L-CSS).
- [July '23]: Our paper titled "Neural Network-based Fault Detection and Identification for Quadrotors using Dynamic Symmetry", accepted in 2023 Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing.
- [Apr '23]: Our paper titled "Online Attack Recovery in Cyber-Physical Systems", accepted in IEEE Security and Privacy.
- [Feb '23]: Our poster on "Hybrid Systems under Adversarial Scenarios" accepted at ACC '23.
- [Jan '23]: Our paper titled "Accelerating Distributed Optimization via Fixed-time Convergent Flows: Extensions to Non-convex Functions and Consistent Discretization" accepted at IFAC World Congress '23. Preprint
- [Jan '23]: Our paper titled "An Observer-based Switching Algorithm for Safety under Sensor Denial-of-Service Attacks" accepted at ACC '23. Preprint
Selected awards
- '22 DAAD AInet Fellow for Postdoc-Net-AI
- '21 Richard and Eleanor Towner Prize for Distinguished Academic Achievement, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- '21 Professor Pierre T. Kabamba Award for Excellence in Control Systems, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- '19 Best Student Paper Finalist, AIAA SciTech Forum (Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference)
- '16 Institute Silver Medal, Department Rank 1, IIT Bombay